Students who want to continue their studies beyond the Dhammasekhiya Course may apply for admission to the 3 year BA degree course in Buddhist and Dr. Ambedkar Studies.
The BA College is known as NAGARJUNA INSTITUTE and it is situated in the beautiful campus of Nagaloka, Nagpur. The Nagarjuna Institute is affiliated with RTMNU (Nagpur University). The subjects we offer are: Buddhist Studies, Ambedkar Thoughts, Pali Literature, English and Hindi. The main purpose of the college is to provide a BA Degree to those students who have a passion to study deeply on:
1. The Buddhist teachings in a practical approach and Dr. Ambedkar’s approach to Buddhism
2. Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts on society, Politics, Economy, Religion and much more
3. Pali literature, one of the oldest languages where you can find the revolutionary teachings of the Lord. Buddha
4. Introduction to Chinese Language.


Eligibility for taking admission:

  1. 12th passed from any recognized institute
  2. Residential: To NTI Alumni
  3. Non Residential: To local students (Nagpur based)
  4. Admission fees and Exam fees as per university norms.

For more details and queries, Please contact – +91 8956578764, +91 8956578765


    Personal Details:

    Complete Name (First Name-Last Name)* :
    Fathers Name* :
    Mother's name* :

    Gender* : MaleFemaleTransgender

    Date of Birth* (Age limit 18 to 40 years only):

    Mobile* :
    WhatApp No: (If different from above mobile Number):

    Email* :

    Education Qualification* :

    Mother Tongue:

    Language Known:

    Complete Permanent Address:

    Location* :
    Village* :

    Additional Details:

    Hobbies* :

    Any Other Skills:

    Do You have interest in social Work? YesNo
    [group socialworkGRP]
    Kindly specify your field of Interest:

    Reference Person Name and Mobile:

    (Preference priority will be given to NTI Alumni and Order Members)

    Documents Uploads:

    Profile Pic:*

    Please attach clear front face picture of your own in JPG, JPEG or PNG format size below 2MB only

    Identity Proof:*

    Please upload any one - Adhar Card/PAN Card/ Driving License/Passport/ Any Govt issued Identity card for identification proof in PDf or image format file size below 2MB only

    Educational Certificate (above +2)*

    Please upload your latest 12+ Qualification certificate in PDf or image format file size below 2MB only

    Please click to Submit form.